4  Tibbles and lm in R

In this chapter, you’ll learn about holding data in tibbles (tidy tables) and you’ll learn to use those tibbles to run regressions with the function lm().

4.1 Download this Lab Assignment

Link to download.

Find the new folder (probably in your downloads folder). On Macs, opening the folder will unzip it. On Windows, you’ll right-click and hit “extract”. Then navigate to the new folder named EC320_lab2-main and double click on the R project EC320_lab2.Rproj. RStudio should open. If it doesn’t, open RStudio and go to File > Open Project and then find EC320_lab2.Rproj.

In RStudio, go to the lower righthand panel and hit the folder R. This takes you to the list of two exercises (koans) you’ll complete as homework.