# Intro to the Tidyverse by Colleen O'Briant
# Koan #3: Piping
# In order to progress:
# 1. Read all instructions carefully.
# 2. When you come to an exercise, fill in the blank, un-comment the line
# (Ctrl/Cmd Shift C), and execute the code in the console (Ctrl/Cmd Return).
# If the piece of code spans multiple lines, highlight the whole chunk or
# simply put your cursor at the end of the last line.
# 3. Save (Ctrl/Cmd S).
# 4. Test that your answers are correct (Ctrl/Cmd Shift T).
# Run this code to get started:
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6 ✔ purrr 0.3.4
## ✔ tibble 3.1.7 ✔ dplyr 1.0.9
## ✔ tidyr 1.2.0 ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr 2.1.2 ✔ forcats 0.5.1
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
us_data <- tibble(
year = c(1957, 1977, 1997, 2017),
gdpPercap = c(14847, 24073, 35767, 60062),
lifeExp = c(69.5, 73.4, 76.8, 78.5)
# Piping: %>%
# The pipe is *the most frequently used* function in the tidyverse. It lets
# us clearly express a sequence of functions without cluttering our programs
# with parentheses from function composition.
# ----- What does the pipe do? -----
# Suppose you have a tibble named 'x', and you'd like to apply a function
# 'f' on it. So you run:
# f(x)
# (this won't actually run because 'x' and 'f' don't exist yet)
# But an alternative way to do that is:
# x %>% f()
# (again, this won't actually run)
# The pipe simply takes the data that comes before it, and inserts it
# into the function that comes after.
# The way you should read the pipe is with the word *then*.
# Read the above code as "Take x, *then* apply f."
# ----- Examples -----
# You can apply a function directly, or you can pipe the data into a function.
# So two ways to do the same thing are:
## [1] "year" "gdpPercap" "lifeExp"
us_data %>% names()
## [1] "year" "gdpPercap" "lifeExp"
# 1. Your turn: apply 'print' to us_data using a pipe. -------------------------
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
## year gdpPercap lifeExp
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1957 14847 69.5
## 2 1977 24073 73.4
## 3 1997 35767 76.8
## 4 2017 60062 78.5
# __ %>% __
# ----- Applying a sequence of functions -----
# You can start to see how the pipe comes in handy when you string 2 or
# more functions together.
# Suppose you have a tibble named 'x', and you'd like to apply a function
# 'f' on it. But you're not done: you want to take the data structure that's
# the result of 'f(x)' and apply another function 'g()' on that.
# So you run:
# g(f(x))
# An alternative way to do that is:
# x %>% f() %>% g()
# Or using multiple lines:
# x %>%
# f() %>%
# g()
# The code is evaluated from top to bottom, so that 'f(x)' is evaluated
# and then the result is piped into 'g()'. If you're using multiple lines,
# the pipe must go at the end of the line.
# With function composition, you have to read inside out: 'g(f(x))'.
# With pipes, you read left to right: 'x %>% f() %>% g()',
# or top to bottom when using multiple lines. Pipes oftentimes help us
# make our code more *clear and readable*, which is one of our biggest
# goals for writing good code.
# Example: take 'us_data', get the variable names by applying the function
# 'names()' on it, AND THEN see those names in a new tab by applying the
# function 'view()' to the result of 'us_data %>% names()':
# us_data %>%
# names() %>%
# view()
# The alternative:
# view(names(us_data))
# What would it look like to pipe a data structure into a sequence of 3,
# or even 4 functions?
# x %>%
# f() %>%
# g() %>%
# h()
# x %>%
# f() %>%
# g() %>%
# h() %>%
# i()
# The alternative gets cluttered fast:
# h(g(f(x)))
# i(h(g(f(x))))
# You'll see plenty of examples of piping 2, 3, 4, or more functions in
# later sections, so keep an eye out for that!
# Finally, read the qelp docs on the pipe to find out even more:
# Great work! You're one step closer to tidyverse enlightenment. Make sure to
# return to this topic to meditate on it later.
# If you're ready, you can move on to the next koan: filter, select, and mutate.