Before starting this classwork, make sure to carefully review koans 15 and 16 on map.

Run this code to get started:


Simulations using map(.x, .f):

Last week, we worked on writing the Goldfeld-Quandt test as a function:

goldfeld_quandt <- function(tibble, formula, x){
  # This function calculates the Goldfeld-Quandt test statistic for a given data 
  # set, model formula, and explanatory variable. The function returns a tibble 
  # with the test statistic, critical value, and a boolean value for whether or
  # not the data is heteroskedastic.
  square <- function(x) x^2
  ssr1 <- tibble %>%
    arrange({{ x }}) %>%
    slice_head(prop = 3/8) %>%
    lm(formula, data = .) %>%
    residuals() %>% 
    square() %>%
  ssr2 <- tibble %>%
    arrange({{ x }}) %>%
    slice_tail(prop = 3/8) %>%
    lm(formula, data = .) %>%
    residuals() %>% 
    square() %>%
    test_statistic = max(ssr1, ssr2) / min(ssr1, ssr2), 
    critical_value = qf(.999, 
                        df1 = (nrow(tibble) * 3/8) - 2, 
                        df2 = (nrow(tibble) * 3/8) - 2),
    heteroskedasticity = test_statistic > critical_value

Testing that our function works:

goldfeld_quandt(gapminder, "lifeExp ~ gdpPercap", gdpPercap)
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##   test_statistic critical_value heteroskedasticity
##            <dbl>          <dbl> <lgl>             
## 1           1.34           1.28 TRUE

But how accurate is goldfeld_quandt? How good of a job does it do at detecting different types of heteroskedasticity? We’re going to use map(.x, .f) to evaluate this.

The plan:

1. Generate an artificial dataset

That has two variables and 20 observations:

# tibble(
#   income = __,
#   consump = __
# ) %>%
#   ggplot(aes(x = income, y = consump)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   geom_smooth(method = lm)

In the next few problems, make sure to copy-paste the tibble you defined above (without the plotting).

2. Does goldfeld_quandt detect the heteroskedasticity once?

Run this code a couple of times! You may get different answers because each dataset is generated with random elements.

# tibble(
#   income = __,
#   consump = __
#   ) %>%
#   goldfeld_quandt(formula = "consump ~ income", x = income)

3. How many times out of 100 does goldfeld_quandt detect the heteroskedasticity?

We want to use map(.x, .f) to take the code above and run it 100 times, counting the number of times goldfeld_quandt outputs TRUE. Since we don’t want to change anything each time we run the function, I’ll use .x = 1:100 and use function(...). This way, our function simply executes 100 times with no changes. What do you need to do here? To define the function body in line 116, just take what you wrote in lines 94-98: that’s what we want to repeat 100 times.

# map_dfr(
#   .x = 1:100, 
#   .f = function(...) {
#     __
#   }
#   ) %>%
#   count(heteroskedasticity)

# We can use `count` (recall, count is the same as group by with summarize with n())
# to find the number of times heteroskedasticity is detected.

4. How many times was heteroskedasticity detected?

Go back and change your data generating process to make it so that heteroskedasticity is detected more than 75% of the time. What aspect of the data generating process made it more likely that goldfeld_quandt would successfully detect the heteroskedasticity? You can change anything about the data generating process here.

5. Use map_dfr() to show that the Goldfeld-Quandt test often fails to detect bubble-type heteroskedasticity

Make sure to visualize the dataset to show you have bubble heteroskedasticity.

Extra Credit: Add outliers to a homoskedastic dataset

Use map_dfr to show that the Goldfeld-Quandt test can detect heteroskedasticity from outliers when they have a large or small value for x, but not when they have values for x near the median of x.